Our value proposition as a diversified African Energy Equipment and Solutions Provider is our unique market intelligence, knowledge, extensive network and in-depth experience in and of Africa. We are accordingly ideally positioned to not only be a gateway to but to also to facilitate the energy transition, ie.
1. Private individuals
Help drive the energy transition by supporting the construction of cost effective new renewable energy facilities.
2. Industry
Providing state of the art, innovative cost effective renewable energy systems combining two or more technologies
3. Renewable Energy Communities
Assist Citizen associations, organizations and businesses that can join together to build facilities to produce and share renewable energy, resulting in environmental, economic and social benefits for all.
4. Collaboration between Private Sector & Governments
Encouraging and facilitating collaboration between private sector and governments for the provision of small, medium and large-scale renewable energy projects.
5. Rural Electrification & Women Empowerment
Support the unlocking of the Rural Electrification and Women Empowerment.
6. Facilitating Rental or Sale of land for Renewable Projects
Assisting Landowners to Rent out (or sell) land for renewable energy projects
7. Innovative Finance Options
Rentals, local currency lending and results based financing schemes.